Friday, November 14, 2008

not so easy peasy, more like fizzy dizzy .

The past two days have been...those days. Where my tummy feels queasy and my legs feel like jelly. Where the leaves swirl and spin in the wind in unending circles. Where dark clouds loom and the rain pours down relentlessly. Where for just a few minutes, the sun would peep out in all its full glory. Where all that's missing is a rainbow to put some colour back in the sky.

So I attempt to make my own rainbow and add in some colours. To some avail, I guess. But I can't save myself or the world for that matter. Neither can all of us. Just doing our bit here and there, hoping that in some way it will impact positively, less all the damage and wastage from the whole process. And just like that, a week is almost over, another to come. But what is to come? I know not.

If you know it, you know it. If not, it's alright. Doubts and questions inundate the thinking process.Thoughts are filled with multiple 'maybes', 'buts', 'hows', 'ifs'. And there are things that I've forgotten to do over time. Which is the worst part of it. You can't undo it. You can only start from scratch again. Shucks. Always easier said than done.

So it's Saturday morning now, by the time I finish this post, and I'm off to make colourful flowers and sweet roses. Hopefully, the coming weeks will be like that too. I'm not asking for a bed of roses. There's a fair share of thorns as well! Just some nagging apprehension at the back of my mind that eats into me. It's okay. It better be.

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